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Regulatory pathway improvement

Regulatory pathway improvement

Project Group: A Lighter Touch

Status: In Progress

Timeline: Jan, 2025 - Jun, 2025

Last Updated: 18/03/2025

Project summary:

An aim of the A Lighter Touch programme is to facilitate improvement of the regulatory pathway for the registration of tools and solutions to ensure easier and more timely access for growers.

To date the programme has looked in detail at the path to market for biopesticides with the aim of identifying the factors preventing novel biopesticides being available in the New Zealand market. This included discussions with several recent New Zealand registrants of biopesticides with regard to how the process worked for them, where sticking points occurred, and where they found the process difficult to navigate or to provide the data and information to satisfy the regulatory requirements.

The next step is to identify potential solutions for increasing efficiencies in the regulatory pathway. The ALT programme is well positioned to lead this work as it is in the unique position of being a neutral voice for the horticulture, arable and viticulture sectors. Work that is focused on increasing awareness and availability of biological crop protection products is critical in making a real difference to help crop protection move to a lighter environmental touch. This requires more efficient registration of biologicals in New Zealand.

The project involves a two-step process:

1. A knowledge review of international regulatory processes for registration of biological crop protection products and recommendations on how any findings could be implemented into the current NZ system.

2. From the findings, if applicable, supporting ACVM and EPA in adopting new systems and processes for biological crop protection product registration that would benefit all involved including Government, registrants, growers and the environment.

Both New Zealand regulatory bodies, the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) and NZ Food Safety (NZFS), which is responsible for Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines (ACVMs), have been briefed on the project and its purpose, and are very supportive of the work A Lighter Touch is undertaking. The ALT project was also discussed with the Ministry for Regulation to ensure it was not duplicating work undertaken as part of its Agricultural and Horticultural Products Regulatory Review.

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