Passion vine hopper (PVH) management
This project focused on Passion vine hopper (PVH) management in kiwifruit aims to develop an integrated pest management programme for use against PVH that is not reliant on agrichemicals. It will achieve this by:
- reducing PVH populations at the source through border management and search for new biological control agents in Australia;
- minimising migration of PVH into kiwifruit blocks through shelter designs and host plant volatiles;
- testing and implementing a new automatic smart trap as a monitoring tool to replace current labour-intensive methods;
- identifying best options and timing for within block management of PVH eggs and nymphs;
- understanding sooty mould complex on kiwifruit.
Results from the first three years of this project looking at the cultural and biological control of passion vine hopper in Bay of Plenty kiwifruit orchards are available here.

Grower resource
This resource was produced from knowledge generated in the first three years of the project. It was shared at a Zespri-hosted field day discussing management practices to reduce passionvine hopper (PVH), held in December 2024.