Summerfruit under-canopy planting
This project established understory planting in summerfruit orchards to enhance orchard biodiversity and examine whether associated co-benefits from these plantings can be realised. These benefits include weed management, leading to fewer herbicide applications, and improved botrytis disease control by planting and covering bare ground. Improvement to soil health is also expected, through the rootzone activity of these plantings and the incorporation of additional organic matter back into the soil.
Read an article about the purpose of this project here.
Activity to date
In year one of the project, two Central Otago orchards sowed understory plantings, and experienced a management season. Insect and plant monitoring occurred throughout the growing season and data was collated and shared with growers.
Baseline soil analysis and visual soil assessments were gathered from each orchard.
In the second year, autumn sowing of understory plantings occurred in two further Central Otago orchards, with those orchards having now also been monitored through the most recent growing season.
Read articles about learnings from the first year of the project here and here.

Grower resources
A number of resources have been produced from the summerfruit understory project. These include a plant species guide, which provides a quick identification guide to the plant species used in the understory mix, and two soil testing guides. One focuses on how to interpret a soil test, while the other discusses how to carry out a Visual Soil Assessment.
Download these guides here: