Our Projects
The first four years of the A Lighter Touch programme has seen a broad range of projects funded, some specific to a particular plant product group, and others having benefits across multiple crops and sectors. Many are focused on particular pests or diseases, some are evaluating spray residues, and others focus on the use of beneficial organisms and biodiverse planting to help manage insect pests. A brief summary is provided for each project, categorised here under Completed, In Progress and Upcoming. These project pages will continue to be updated with latest developments and results over the coming months.
This Quick Reference Guide is designed to easily identify pests and diseases that A Lighter Touch co-funded projects are targeting.
Completed Projects
Soilborne disease control in squash
Sclerotinia control in dwarf beans
Downy mildew control in spinach
Thrip control in onions
Insecticide residues in summerfruit
In Progress Projects
Regulatory pathway improvement
In Progress
Biologicals awareness and integration
In Progress
Bacterial disease control
In Progress
Unlocking potential of organic compounds
In Progress
Mealybug control in persimmons
In Progress