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A Lighter Touch Educational Forum

Strategies to Encourage Grower Adoption of New Technologies

This live three-hour webinar is focused on those working in extension and providing advice to growers. Four experts in this space will present and take questions during the webinar on their areas of expertise.

Presentations will include discussion around the drivers for change, the importance of understanding the audience, what a framework for effective extension looks like, and a case study of a successful extension programme. The webinar will finish with a panel discussion, where our experts will give their views on two extension challenges nominated by attendees.

  • Dr Trevor James, AgResearch
  • Dr Geoff Kaine, Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research
  • Denise Bewsell, Scarlatti
  • Dr Jim Walker, Plant and Food Research
9 November, 2023, 9am to 12 noon
